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From Screen to Green: Grow Your World


As our world becomes increasingly urbanized and digital, children are spending less time outdoors, leading to a significant detachment from the natural environment. This growing disconnect impacts their physical, emotional, and cognitive development. Permaculture offers a pathway to bridge this gap by providing children with meaningful experiences in nature that cultivate a lifelong bond with the earth.

The Consequences of Nature Deprivation

  • Impact on Health and Development

Children today are more likely to interact with screens than with trees. This reduction in outdoor playtime and natural exploration is linked to various health issues, such as decreased physical fitness, heightened stress levels, and impaired cognitive function. The absence of regular nature exposure can also hinder children's creativity and problem-solving abilities, as they miss out on unstructured play and the sensory-rich environment that nature provides.

  • Emotional Well-being

Being surrounded by nature has a calming effect, helping to reduce anxiety and promote emotional balance. Without this connection, children may struggle with increased stress and a lack of grounding, which can affect their overall emotional well-being. The disconnect from nature not only deprives them of the joy and wonder that the natural world offers but also limits their ability to develop resilience and emotional stability.

Permaculture as a Pathway to Reconnection

  • Experiential Learning in Natural Settings

Permaculture provides an ideal framework for reconnecting children with nature. Through activities like planting gardens, creating natural habitats, and learning about ecosystems, children are introduced to the rhythms and cycles of the earth. These experiences go beyond mere observation—they actively engage children in nurturing the environment, fostering a sense of responsibility and care for the world around them.

  • Developing Eco-Literacy

Permaculture doesn't just bring children back to nature; it also educates them about how natural systems work and how they can live in harmony with the environment. By understanding concepts like soil health,water conservation, and biodiversity, children gain eco-literacy—an essential skill for navigating the environmental challenges of the future. This knowledge empowers them to make informed decisions that contribute to sustainability in their daily lives.

Simple Ways to Encourage Nature Connection

  • Create Micro-Habitats: Involve children in building bird feeders, insect hotels, or small ponds. These projects not only attract wildlife but also teach children about the diversity of life in their immediate surroundings.

  • Incorporate Seasonal Activities: Celebrate the changing seasons with activities like leaf collecting in autumn, snow tracking in winter, or planting in spring. Seasonal rituals connect children to the cyclical nature of the environment.

  • Explore Local Ecosystems: Take children on regular outings to explore different natural environments—forests, wetlands, or meadows. These excursions can spark curiosity and a deeper understanding of the diversity in nature.

  • Storytelling and Nature: Integrate stories about nature and environmental heroes into daily routines. These narratives can inspire children to care for the earth and see themselves as part of a larger ecological community.

Emphasize Mindful Interaction

Teach children to interact with nature mindfully—whether it's observing the growth of a plant, listening to the sounds of a forest, or feeling the texture of leaves. This mindfulness fosters a deeper connection and respect for the natural world.


In a world where children are increasingly distanced from nature, it is crucial to rekindle this vital connection for their well-being and development. Permaculture offers a practical and engaging approach to reintroducing children to the natural world, enriching their lives with knowledge, empathy, and a sense of stewardship for the environment. By integrating nature into everyday learning and play, we can nurture a generation that is not only connected to the earth but also committed to its care.

Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

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