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Hands in the Soil

Empowering children through permaculture principles and ethics


 Project Vision

Our vision is to inspire, create and introduce  a place where all Humans are respecting each other and living in harmony with nature and all children can access an education based upon the ethics of earth care, people care and fair share.

Image by Isaac Quesada

What is Dindii community ?

Community children Image by Larm Rmah

Open After School Community

Safe spot for  local children/youth  and foundation for their development and gaining practical skills for life based on Dindii ethics. The community centre offers a wide range of activities for children, including permaculture workshops, gardening, nature exploration, arts and crafts, storytelling, and educational games.

Community children Image by Hillary Ungson

Public Workshops

Practical workshops for public. Mainly focused on food preservation methods and introduction of permaculture skills to apply them in daily lifes. Showing that permaculture is not only about farming but can be used in daily lives. Income from these workshops gonna support Open School activities for local children.

Community children Image by Shane Rounce

Community Networking

Connecting and cooperation with existing projects and communities who sharing similar philosophy. Cooperation with lectures from other Thai projects and offering participation for volunteers from all around the world.

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